Designed in collaboration with Limbs & Things, this project aimed to develop a realistic arm model, designed to replicate a Colles' fracture, for the training of doctors in fracture reduction and plastering techniques.
The final design features an anatomical replica of the human arm and fracture, with realistic mechanical simulation of the movement and tension of wrist during fracture reduction.

Colles' fractures are breaks in the radius bone close to the wrist. The Colles' fracture reduction technique is a non-invasive procedure to re-set the bone. To do this, the clinician has to extend the fracture, and manipulate the hand into the correct position, and then plaster the arm whilst it is being held in the reduced position.
The design utilised a variety of materials and manufacturing techniques to develop an accurate replica of the human arm and wrist movement, whilst maintaining structural integrity and durability of the components. It features an adjustable tension mechanism, accessible by a hidden screw in the elbow, to adjust the difficulty of reducing the fracture depending on the doctors experience. The product can be attached to a stand for ease of demonstration and use.
I lead the Mechanical Design, CAD Modelling and Design for Manufacture on this project whilst working with the team at IDC.
Mechanical Concept Design
User Experience
CAD Modelling
Design for Manufacture
Designed at IDC