The brief was to design and develop the world's first shisha free from heavy metals, heat and carbon monoxide. Designed for a Middle Eastern market, the project used innovative ultrasonic technology to provide a healthier alternative to traditional shisha.
Working closely with Medad Technology in the UAE, Morrama developed the design to bring the hookah pipe into the 21st century. The outcome was featured in Design Week and the eventual launch is anticipated in 2025.

Over 100 million people smoke shisha worldwide, with the highest concentration in the middle east. With each inhale, shisha smokers breath in a high level of carbon monoxide, tar and heavy metals, putting them at risk of mouth lung and stomach cancer, as well as heart disease.
E-shishas have been developed over the years utlising similar technology to that of a standard vape, however, the levels of heavy-metals, including arsenic and lead, are actually higher in vape's smoking compared to tobacco.
The patented ultrasonic technology utilised in this product uses vibrations to turn a glycerin + nicotine mix into a fine mist, which produces no carbon monoxide, smoke or heavy metals.
The aesthetic design and form draws inspiration from the traditional hookah silhouette, whilst maintaining a sense of intrigue and mystery, and modernising materials and touch points. The product uses a bespoke pod system in the upper housing which can be easily accessed to change flavours throughout a session.
My involvement on this project whilst at Morrama was right through from Initial Research and Concept Design to leading the Detailed Design for Manufacture.
Concept Design
Industrial Design
User Experience
CAD Modelling
Design for Manufacture
Designed at Morrama